Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hospital Time Catch Up

I was officially scheduled for a voluntary induction on Sunday, August 28, 2011 at 3:00am. Because my induction was voluntary and not medically necessary, I was the type of case that would be pushed back if need be. With my luck, every pregnant woman in Mesa decided to go into labor on Saturday the 27th and Sunday the 28th. The hospital staff called me at about 9:30pm on Saturday night and told me that all the labor and delivery rooms were full, so to get some sleep and they would call when there was a room available. I was devastated! I actually woke up on my own at 2:30am (the time I was going to wake up to go to the hospital), and was disappointed that I had to go back to sleep.

When I awoke in the morning at about 8:00am, I called the hospital to check if they had any available rooms. (In case they happened to forget to call....) They didn't forget. The staff reassured me that as soon as there was a room available they would call. I hung up the phone and started bawling. Brandon did his best to keep me busy and keep my mind off of the fact that I should have been having a baby, but I was a wreck. I'm sure the hospital staff was sick of me, but seeing as how I was still having pretty consistent contractions, we stopped by the hospital at about 2:00pm Sunday afternoon. They triaged me and told me to go home. So utterly disappointed, we headed home, but not before finding out that I was first on the list of inductions! That brightened my mood a little bit.

We went to Sunday dinner as usual, with me still very pregnant. We continued our evening as we would have any other night. We went to bed without receiving a phone call. The next morning Brandon got up, got ready, and left for work at 7:00am, like any other day. As I was in bed just cursing my own luck, my phone rang! It was the hospital and they FINALLY had a room available. I was exstatic!! I jumped out of bed, called Brandon and told him to turn around, that it was time to have a baby! I got ready quicker than I ever had before and I was ready to walk out the door when Brandon got home.
We got to the hospital at 8:00am and checked in. I was in my labor and delivery room by 8:30am. We were introduced to the nurse, got a rumdown of the day, how they expected things to progress, had a Q&A session, and finally by 9:30am started the pitocin drip. I was on my way! The doctor, Dr. Shaw came in at about 10:30am and checked my progress. I was still only dialated to 3cm, and about 70% effaced. The doctor told me that Isac wasn't as "happy" as they'd like to see. During my contractions (which were pretty regular at that point), Isac's heartrate remained the same. Apparently they like the baby's heartrate to increase with contractions and slow down in between. I had no idea what this meant, but I was a little bit worried! Dr. Shaw explained that it just showed that the baby might be distressed and that there was a slight possibility that I would have to have a C-section. She said they'd keep a close eye on the monitors, but that everything was okay.

At about noon my sister got to the hospital with some lunch for Brandon (I, sadly, did not get to eat). My mom got there shortly after, followed by Brandon's mom. At about 12:30 I asked for my epidural. Getting the epidural was the worse part of my labor and delivery experience! The epidural was a bit stronger on the right side than on the left, so the right half of my body from my belly down was much more numb than the left side. (Even when they had me laying on my left side, something about the use of gravity.. whatever it was it didn't work!) Contractions continued to be regular, and pretty strong for the next few hours. At about 4:30pm the nurse checked my progress and said I was dialated to 5cm and about 90% effaced. I decided that I wanted to try and get some sleep, or at least some rest, before the delivery started. My sister, my mom, and my mother-in-law all went out to the cafeteria to get some dinner.

At about 5:00pm the nurse came in to check my progress again and said, "You're at a 10 and 100% effaced! Looks like you're having a baby!" Brandon was sleeping on the couch and nearly jumped out of his skin at this statement! He ran to the cafeteria to find my sister, my mom, and his mom. Everyone came into the room and was super excited! The doctor came into the room at about 5:15pm and said, "Alright looks good. I'm gonna run upstairs real quick, but I'll be right back!" At 5:30pm the nurse told me to start doing some "practice pushes". Well Isac was ready to come out! He was already crowning. The nurse was going crazy, calling anyone and everyone to help! She was talking over the intercom and said, "Am I delivering this baby myself?!" My sister helped her calm down a little by saying, "I'm a nurse, and if you need me to, I can help with whatever you need."

At about 5:55pm Dr. Shaw showed up and said that her pager hadn't been working and she didn't know how far along I was. Gee, thanks Doc! She sat down and after pushing for a few more minutes, Isac was born!

Monday, August 29, 2011
8lbs 0oz
20 & 1/2 inches

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