Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Busy, Busy Weekend

This last weekend was very bittersweet for our family. My sister, Rebecca, found out on Wednesday July 27, 2011, that the baby she was carrying was no longer alive. She hadn't yet miscarried, and so in order to not be alone she, Justin, and Carrie drove in from Maricopa and stayed with my parents. Although the circumstances weren't favorable, we loved getting to spend so much time with the Greer Family. On Thursday after work, Brandon and Justin decided to go to the driving range and hit some golf balls. We are so thankful for the relationship and friendship that Brandon has been able to develop with Justin, they love being brothers-in-law, and are a great support system for each other.

On Saturday morning, Brandon, Justin, and Kevin went and played 18 holes of golf. It was a new experience for Kevin, because he's never been golfing before! It was great bonding time, and all three of them sure seemed to enjoy themselves. By having that early Saturday morning tee-time, those three boys missed participating in Tanner Beeson's Eagle project. With my Dad and Jake both out of town, it was just the girls that went! My mom, Rebecca, Carrie, and I went to the Mesa cemetary and helped clean off headstones and take pictures of them. The cemetary will now be able to log all the pictures of headstones and have not only written, but visual records. A lot of people showed up to help and the project was overall very successful.

On Saturday afternoon Brandon and I were able to go out to a late lunch/early dinner with Shari, Smitty, and Austin to celebrate Smitty's birthday (which is August 1st)! We went to Olive Garden, and had a great time catching up with the Smith's. Brandon and Austin got their dad the same birthday card! The card was a perfect fit for Smitty, with him being such an avid golfer, but it was still very funny.

A few months ago Brandon was ordained an Elder and received the Melchizedek priesthood. On Saturday he had the opportunity to exercise it for the first time. He was able to anoint Rebecca for a blessing of the healing of the sick. It was such an awesome experience and he did a wonderful job. I am so proud of him and his worthiness to hold the priesthood, and I am so thankful for the blessing that it is in my life, and the lives of those around us. In addition to being able to anoint Rebecca on Saturday, Justin asked Brandon if he would give him a comfort blessing on Sunday. Brandon was a little bit nervous, with it being his first time saying the blessing, but he was truly an instrument for our Heavenly Father. Being in such a spiritual mood, I also received a blessing from Brandon on Sunday, to help me have a feeling of peace and calm throughout these last few weeks of pregnancy. Again, he did a great job.

Sunday was a very full day! We were able to attend my parents Sacrament Meeting in order to see Christopher Beeson gave his "farewell" talk, and it was phenominal. Sunday night we also attended an "open house" of sorts, at the Beeson home where we got to spend some more time with Chris. It was a great time that he was able to spend with a lot of friends and family. We were so happy to be a part of it!

Christopher has grown into quite an exceptional young man, and his dedication and desire to serve the Lord on a mission is inspiring. He is a great example and we love him very much. Christopher will report to the Provo MTC next Wednesday August 10, 2011. He will stay in the MTC for 8 weeks, learning and studying the Gospel in the Spanish language. He will then be going to Santiago, Chile, where he will serve for a period of two years! We could not be more proud of you, Elder Beeson! We'll see you "soon". ;)

On Monday evening we were able to participate in a wonderful service project for Family Night. We went to the cemetary where our sweet nephew, Brigham, is buried, and cleaned up the area called "Babyland". We swept and wiped the headstones down, fluffed out stuffed animals, wiped off toys that were sitting on the graves, picked up trash, and swept up all the pine needles. It was a great feeling of accomplishment and peace to see Babyland all clean and beautiful.

Justin and Rebeccas went home on Tuesday afternoon. Brandon and I had also spent several nights at my parents house, and so we made our way home too. This weekend was very eventful and busy, but we are grateful for the time we were able to spend with our family and friends! We feel so lucky and truly blessed to have such great people in our lives.

1 comment:

  1. Hello beautiful niece of mine. I'm glad that I found your blog through mine. I didn't know you had one. They are great to find out more what is going on with everyone. I can't wait to see pictures of your little guy. I'm also very proud of Brandon. He seems like such a great guy.
